Friday, April 18, 2008


Okay so my little boy is not so little any more and I am feeling a little old-okay a lot! We celebrated his birthday this past weekend by taking him to a Diamond Back baseball game with a few friends. Dave and I had a lot of fun with 5 boys especially as they sang "We are the champions. . ." at the top of their lungs while we entered the parking garage. The parking attendant looked a little concerned.
They got free hats and pom poms (Ren, Matt, Kyle, Kawika, and Kalani hiding behind Wika. He didn't want anything to do with the wigs.)

We all had way too much sugar and sunflower seeds, but isn't that what it's all about? The Diamond Backs won 10-3 and because they had more than 8 runs everyone got a coupon for a free chalupa from Taco Bell, which we stopped and got on our way home! Kawika is an awesome kid and I could not survive without all of his fabulous help! He loves baseball, basketball, legos, reading, and hanging with his dad!


porterjule said...

Thanks Dave and Kahanu for being the kind of parents our son always wanted. It's a good thing Ren is friends with Kawika or he'd never get to experience anything fun!!!!
I'm so glad you've got a blog. Email me your exact blog address kahanu, so i can link it in mine.
-The Porters

Kahilau said...

Hanu, how FUN if this. Yay for blogging. You have reminded me that I not blogged for weeks. IT looks like you guys had a great time, despite the rest of your day (hahaha). I love you guys tons and thanks for sharing.

Jana and BJ said...

Hi Brubakers!!! Welcome to the blogging world. I'm glad I have another blogging friend (my list of friends is pathetic on my blog). Plus, we have the same template. Nice choice. I can't believe how big your kids are. Amazing!

Aubrey Jane said...

Kahanu! Yea for your blog! We've been wondering whatever happened to you guys - you're family is beautiful! And they are all growing up so quickly.
Isn't this a great way to keep in-touch with everyone? Yea for little sisters who talk older sisters into blogging!
Aubrey & Robert