My friend Heather tagged me and you are supposed to go to your picture file and pick the fourth folder and the fourth picture and tell about it.
This is a picture of a trip I took with a bunch of friends to the Price is Right! It was a blast!!! Normally if you want to go to the show you have to arrive before the crack of dawn to stand in line. Fortunately we had a group of 20 so we only had to be there a few hours early. Once you get there you get a number and then you get to wait, and wait, and wait some more. Then they take you in groups of about 10 and you have to introduce yourselves to the producers(this is your one chance to impress them in hopes that they will call your name during the show). After the interview you go another waiting area and then they seat you in the studio. The studio is a lot smaller than it's made to look through the magic of television. Mary Jo's hilarious aunt(she's the one in the middle holding the card with her name that the cue card guy held up) got to "come on down" and she had the chance to win a mustang but sadly it didn't work out, but she won other fabulous prizes and our group had our 30 seconds of fame on TV!